Saturday, December 3, 2011

Monthly Hairstyle Challenge -- Natural Hair Care for TEENS!! :D

Hey guys!! It's been forever since I've posted anything about my hair and what I'm doing to it. But I wanted to share with you what i have been doing for the past 3 months-- Monthly Hairstyles!! A monthly hairstyle is a hairstyle that you wear and maintain for a whole month. They prevent you from playing in your hair to much (like i do lol) and can help you maintain hair growth. So every month this winter thru spring I'm going to pick a versatile hairstyle that can be worn throughout the whole month. As of right now I'm rockin mini twist, and they are super cute!! I'll post a vid on how to do them as well as hairstyles you can do with them when you get tired of the style.

However you don't have to just wear mini-twists; these other hairstyles are great too (and
I'll try to post vids on them all :D)

- Braids (the smaller they are the longer they'll last, just don't make em too tiny lol)
- Cornrows (again the smaller the better)
- Flat Twists

Ok i know it's only like 3 options, but you can mix and match styles to create new hairstyles every month!
Comment and tell (or ask) me anything hair related that you would love for me talk about!

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