Deep Condition
Natural hair that is afro-centric, super curly, or a mixture of the two can be very dry. The natural oils that are produced by your body can't reach the whole strand because of the kinks and curls in the hair. Likewise, kinky and curly hair people don't produce a lot of oil like those who have a naturally straighter texture. To maintain your hair's length and have nourished, moisturized hair you need to deep condition once every 1-2 weeks. Deep conditioners can be made or bought, depending on your preferences.
To moisturize means to add or restore moisture (water). So misting your hair every other day and sealing with an oil is beneficial if you keep your hair in it's natural state. The moisturizing process will help to keep hair softer and less crunchy. However if you apply heat to your hair (blow dryer, flat iron, curling iron) you may just want to apply a little bit of oil to your ends and rely on the deep conditioners. Applying oil to your ends is not moisturizing but it will help protect your hair from harsh elements that cause breakage.
Apply Less Heat
Natural hair is very fragile, so applying heat to the hair too much can cause the hair to break off, be super dry, or have heat damage (which makes you loose your natural hair texture). If you must apply heat to your hair do it at least once every month, but on the lowest of lowest heat settings to ensure your protecting your hair!
Have A Healty Diet
When growing long hair there is more you have to do than just ensure the health of your hair; you also need to protect your body. Healthy hair is a result of healthy blood. That is why stress (high blood pressure) and other ailments that involve blood levels result in hair loss. A poor diet and lack of exercise could also be the cause of hair loss as well. The vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables are beneficial to our bodies and help with healthy blood. Vitamins and minerals can be consumed by pills but you still need to incorporate the fruits and veggies. Like wise working out is good for the heart, lungs, your brain (where the blood flows to create hair!), and other organs. If your not a big workout person try a small workout like jogging for five minutes or doing squats in between comercials when your watching tv to get your blood flowing! :D
Thanx for reading this post, hopefully you enjoyed!
xoxo Natural Teen Beauty
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